It is now possible to send a print job through your email on your phone, Outlook Web App or Outlook. Simply email the document as an attachment to [email protected]..
Email to print
Email to Print allows any device to print documents by sending an email to your network's print devices. allows users to print by emailing their documents to a special address. No client software or drivers are required, providing a simple way for your organisation to print from any device that can send an email. Email to Print is part of a collection of solutions to manage mobile and BYOD printing. For more information see Mobile & BYOD printing.
Things to bear in mind
- The print job will automatically be set to black, single sided.
- You will need to assign the print job to the correct department at the printer.
The following file types are allowed
- Microsoft Excel xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xltm, xltx
- Microsoft PowerPoint pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx
- Microsoft Word doc, docm, docx, dot, dotm, dotx, rtf, txt
- PDF pdf
- Picture Files bmp, dib, gif, jfif, jif, jpe, jpeg, jpg, png, tif, tiff
How does it work?
- The printer has a unique email address: [email protected].au
- Users compose an email, attach printable document(s), and email to the printer's address.
- PaperCut receives the email and prints the documents on behalf of the user.